Where are you seated?

If the plan of God is to be realised in your life it is going to come from a place of realisation. A place where you realise who you are, where you live and how you can successfully act in that position. 

Many people have learnt how to project their lives onto others. Declaring their problems and pushing their negative thoughts onto their surroundings. When they need prayer or help for a need they announce the situation from the rooftops. They get onto social media and share what is going on hoping to get a sympathy like or maybe a virtual hug. Facebook becomes the prayer chain of a modern era. 

This addiction to the negative comes from the insecurity of our beliefs. We haven’t secured our locality. We haven’t looked around to see where we actually live. We focus not on heaven’s resources but on the natural circumstances that we see and the pressures that come. 

Taking the time to focus daily on the Word of God can change all of this. Our mindset to see what God has done and what He is doing. Taking the daily moments to establish your faith, ground it on a solid foundation and to learn to expect the peace of God to protect and dominate your heart gives you the edge to come through every problem you face.  

There is a saying in downhill skiing. If you are travelling down a mountain on skies and are about to go into the woods you must learn to follow the snow. If you look at the trees, think about not hitting the trees, or focus on avoiding the tress you will hit the trees. Follow the snow. 

If you spend your life looking at the obstacles and the set backs, your emotions, your thinking and eventually your actions will collide with what you fear. 

The path that is set before you is actually laid out for you. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your Lord You are the righteousness of God. That essentially means your paths are ordered. There is a path. 

That path may seem hidden or darkened as you learn to operate by faith but it is the Word of God and the light of the gospel that shines in your heart that will reveal your direction. 

Your position in heaven, seated beside Heavenly Father gives you the positional authority to achieve all that He has set up for your life to achieve. It is your daily study and meditation of what He has told you in His Word that will open up before you the path of prosperity and success to follow. 

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. (Notice this bit…) Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Allow yourself today the time to look inward. Plant inside you the Word of God and allow yourself to be aware of what your heart, filled with light and glory, is saying. It is your continually, consistent stand of faith that enables success. It is never the person who gives up that succeeds. 

Never quit. Never give up. Never allow yourself to broadcast your struggles to the world. You have support. You sit next to the creator of heaven and earth. He is there for you. Inside of you lives the ultimate comforter. You have a stand by, an advocate and an Intercessor. You have the Holy Spirit and you sit in the heavenly realms. 

It is essential that you and I focus our faith. Faith that is focussed will achieve great things. Live your life for what springs up from the abundant life that lives in you. Allow His will to flow freely in your life. Be confident in who you are. This is not a comparison game, this is life and many people will come to the Kingdom of God if we allow the inner man, the born again spirit, the real you to dominate and take control. 

Rise up Saint. Sit with the big boys and girls on the throne In heaven as you learn to reign as a King IN THIS LIFE!

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