The Prosperous Life
What does a prosperous life mean? Jesus said He came to bring us abundant life…
Coffee, Cake and Relationship How many of us get overwhelmed by the need to spend ‘more time with God’? I know I do, guilt will creep in and, in fact, I will limit my time on purpose because I am ashamed by my lack of effort. Of course, I know that a relationship with God…
Everyday I wake up hungry. Every day I wake up needing a shower. Everyday I wake up thirsty. Every day I wake up alert, thinking about the day ahead. I plan, I navigate what is needing to be done and what I desire to do. Everyday the day lies before me full of opportunity and…
The Word of God is more than a bunch of letters, books and poetry. The Word of God is the foundation on which we stand. The Word of God is a sword that releases the Spirit. The Word of God is a light that guides our path. The Word of God is power. The Word…