Move Forward.
Move Forward.
Each step I take is a step of faith. Each step, every day, needs to be a step of faith. A step that lines up with God’s plan for my life. A step that lines up with God’s Word.
Moving forward isn’t always easy. We see the end result in our hearts, we know where God is taking us but putting a foot forward seems like such hard work. The stars seemingly align above, all pointing to the direction our hearts are leading us but somehow the next steps seems cloudy. Our feet are shaking not know where to place our weight. The ground in front of us no longer seems to be there. What we thought was a sure thing left us doubting God ever talked to us in the first place!!
This is where faith, of the heart, is required. Notice, I did not say HEAD. We don’t need faith in our head. We need faith in our heart. Heart faith is where the victory lies. Heart faith is where the leading for any step will come.
Where does heart faith come from?
Heart faith is produced by the Word of God and the ignition of the Holy Spirit connecting with our born again spirit. It starts by hearing the Word. We hear what we say best, in other words, we believe our mouths more than anyone else’s. We must speak the Word to hear it. When we hear we can meditate it. Once meditated on for long enough the Word will enter our hearts like a seed. Continuing the process of speaking and meditating will water that seed. Soon your heart will produce a crop. The Holy Spirit will ignite your heart with a knowing and a blaze of fire. You will know that you know that you have heart faith. The conviction will be there.
Now you can move forward. You can step into the darkness knowing that there will be foundation beneath you feet. You have God’s Word in your heart and you have the leading of the Spirit. No one can talk you out of it. There is no doubt. You can run with a passion in your heart and a declaration in your mouth!
Confidence is a wonderful thing. Become confident in God’s Word. His Word is God, Himself, speaking to you. If God is speaking to you; you can believe it. Don’t allow any situation in your life to speak to you louder than the very Word God has spoken.
The Word is powerful. The Word will move you forward. Let it become your driving force. The Spirit of God within you will lead you by that Word.
Move forward today, wherever God is leading.
Mark 11:22-24