Focus on this one thing…

Philippians 3:13

…but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead…

The Apostle Paul was a man of determination. I believe on the road to Damascus he had an encounter so great with Jesus that it not only changed his life but redirected all of his skills, passion and focus. He was already focussed. He wanted to destroy Christianity but God had better ideas!!

Paul realised by encountering Jesus his life was going in completely the wrong direction. He needed to shift. By the time his ministry and Christian life was in full swing he was completely focussed on one thing. 

Forget the past. Look forward to what is in front of you.

Forgetting the past can be difficult. The past can crawl back on you in the darkest moments. The past can haunt you and rear its ugly head in the lowest of moments. The truth is you cannot change the past. The past is the domain of the accuser. The past is the place that the enemy loves to hold you in. The past, whether good or bad, can paralyse you into a stationary lifestyle, always wishing for something better or praying that the good days come back. The past is the enemy of your future if you let it take control.

Paul is reminding us strongly in this passage that the past actually means nothing. He actually counted it all as ‘dung’ and that is a polite translation. He knew that where God had him now was the best and strongest place he could be. He knew that grace was more than enough to carry him through, beyond and towards the destiny that the Father had planned ahead.

Romans 8:1 is one of the most important scriptures in the Bible…

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” 

No condemnation, none.

When you are living in the place you are meant to be in Christ there is nothing the enemy can bring up to your remembrance that can stall your destiny. God forgives the repentance of the believer. God removes your transgressions as far that east is from the west. God forgets repented sin. The blood of Jesus cleanses you of it all. Your past is placed under the New Covenant. Your past does not determine your future. Always run to God, not away from Him.

Not one thing the enemy says to you should sway you from the love of God towards you. In fact, the Word says nothing can separate you from that love. Your focus must now remain on what God is about to do in your life. You are about to be unleashed into your calling. You are about to breakthrough. You are about to see with your own eyes the next level that God has for you. You are looking not at the natural 5 physical sense realm but you are looking into the faith realm. You are seeing a future that contains God’s total provision, His healing, His victory and His plan for your life. 

You have a future that is glorious on this earth. Yes, heaven is coming! Yes, heaven is near, but heaven comes after all that God has prepared for you in this lifetime! Do not let past disappointments, present frustrations or seemingly big walls hold you back. Instead, approach every obstacle like the Israelites going round the walls of Jericho. Get ready to shout. Get ready to praise because the walls are coming down! You may not know when, you may not know how but my God is about to break loose in your life as you remain focussed on this one thing…forget the past…press towards your future!

Get ready for more. Prepare in the time of preparation. Run your race well. Your focus is in front of you. God believes in you, if He didn’t He wouldn’t have sent His Son to the cross. What Jesus went through on earth for you is proof enough that God is working for you right now! The plan will succeed if you take responsibility for your present life. If you decide to keep going it will be the best decision you ever made! You will obtain the promises of God. You will forget the past. You will press on to reach the end of the race and receive the prize. You will hold onto the progress already made. You will stay true to God. 

Today is the day to remain in joy. Today is the day to lift your voice in praise. Today is the day that the Lord has made.

Rejoice, and again I say rejoice! Don’t you worry about anything. Pray and give thanks. Daily do what Paul is encouraging us to do by the Spirit of God and you will experience the peace of God that passes all understanding! You will win, you will see the glory of the Lord manifest in your life! 

I can’t wait to here the testimonies!!

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