Hear. Believe. See.
Three simple foundational principles of your faith life. Be energised to see all that God has for you today and how you can apply to see the kingdom of God advance!
We are transformed on the inside and the overflow of life, joy and prosperity will affect everyone around you!
Generosity is a great word. It’s a word that when you hear it you perk your ears up because it is such a positive word. If you know someone who is generous you want to be around that person, immediately you love to spend time with them knowing that you will have a good day!! …
Remain in me, Remain in The Word. There is a process to being productive in the Kingdom. 1. Produce fruit where you are at. John 15:16 says that Jesus, Himself, chose you. He appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit. The parable of the talents confirms that God has given you something to work…
What is a true definition of prosperity? How do we respond to being blessed financially, physically and spiritually?
The power in God’s Word is real!