Spiritual Success
Why are so many Christians stuck in a spiritual rut? Why do some never seem to succeed in life?
Smile. Now. No? Has anyone ever told you to smile? They may have said it to try and cheer you up and get you to respond to their cheeriness but how did that make you feel? If you are like me you probably wanted to ram something heavy through their face…more than once (just being…
The desire that lives in your soul if cultivated correctly will manifest in your life. You were created by God to do so much more with your life than mediocre. You were created to profit from life. Godliness profits unto all things. Wisdom and knowledge propels you to riches and wealth. God made our father,…
“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” Ps 133:1 The world needs beauty. The world needs to see more of God’s children revealed. Take a moment and read these definitions of harmony… An orderly or pleasing combination of elements in a whole. A relationship in which various components exist together…
Ministry at Living Faith Fellowship, October 2020