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Found in Him
Philippians 3:9-10 …and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness…but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; Found in Him. What a statement! The apostle Paul had some awesome things to say. He had a knack for loading simple words and phrases with the Good…
Faith to be Full! Faith to Overflow!
There is a favourite minister that I listen to who tells a story of when he was starting out in ministry, still living at home. His dad asked him one day, ‘Son, why is that whenever I use your car that it is always running out of gas and I have to always fill it…

Called to Live in Freedom.
In our churches across Faith Life Centre we have been spending some time ministering and talking about the blood of Jesus. When we first started preaching and ministering on this subject I didn’t realise the impact and importance it would play in my thinking and personal life. It is a subject that I had known…