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The River Will Flow.
There is Whiteheart song from the 90s that has stuck with me from my childhood. The song talks about the river of God flowing freely in our lives and throughout the earth, a free flow of God’s love and power from heaven. As Christians we are connected to this river. If you allow the river…
God is not in charge of your breakthrough…YOU ARE!
God is the God of the breakthrough. God wants you to not only succeed in life but to go beyond the levels of your own thinking and even your own dreams. However, there is one problem, many in church circles don’t see or believe how this can be possible. How do we get the breakthrough?…

Mindset Shift.
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he: Before I start writing I would like to make a sweeping statement… All of us need to change our minds. Your mind. My mind. We need to change it. We think we are right. We know what we know and we know that…
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